Monday, December 29, 2014

New Year’s Resolution for ABA Clinics: Part 1

By Jessica Gutierrez

2014 has come to an end and it’s time to rejoice! ABA clinics go through natural ups and downs, but you persevered. You accomplished so much this year so you certainly deserve to celebrate.

But before you break out the champagne bottle, ask yourself if you honestly did all you can to maximize your revenue and build your business. Now is the time to scrutinize both your miscalculations and your accomplishments to find what worked for your practice.

If you haven’t figured out your business’s New Year’s Resolution, CodeMetro can help. We’re introducing a 2-Part Series on how to set resolutions to keep your business flourishing. Here is Part 1. 

Are you ready? Get set. Go!

Strategize for the school year
Most ABA clinics make the mistake of not thinking with foresight, especially those whose funding sources are school based. If your therapists perform most services during the school year, then maximize scheduling to fulfill the entirety of your client’s contracts during the school year. Take the next step by being aware of the various weeks schools are out of school and set contract completion goals for each client.

Proactive, not reactive
Summer is usually a period of slow revenue if most of your clients are school-based. Reach out to therapists and ask if they’re willing to take on in-home cases. Once you have your army of therapists established, start reaching out to parents and ask if they would like to make a summer in-home transition. Ease in the kids with the new summer schedule as soon as you can to make the change easier on both the therapists and the clients.

What’s in your treasure chest?
Think of your time, contracts, clients and therapists as the contents of your treasure chest. 
You obviously want to utilize it all. To accomplish this, ABA clinics need to have all their ducks in a row early because your business commonly goes through a cyclical process . At best, the first three quarters are profitable; with the final quarter being the slowest period due to the holiday season. 

October through December is filled to the brim with holidays, travel and cancellations, so plan and make the first three quarters count.

What’s next?
Go through the past year and analyze your highs, lows and everything in between. Not sure how to do it? Wait for Part 2 of the ABA Clinic’s New Year’s Resolution blog.

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